Our quality management certification requires us to provide the training needed to ensure that everything we make is up to code and ready to carry the load. In short, we exhaustively use four testing procedures throughout the fabrication process.
We use Optical Emission Spectrometry to test and monitor the chemical composition of a heat of steel, starting with the charging of raw materials and ending with the tapping of molten metal.
NDT is a valuable technique that saves time and money during product evaluation, trouble shooting and a research without changing or destroying the product.
There are two primary reasons for rejecting a casting, metal and sand issues. We operate a state-of-the-art sand testing lab that tests everything from GFN, moisture, tensile testing, PH/ADV and sieve analysis.
Directives, Training and Certification
At Southwest Steel, performing the aforementioned tests requires the following certification, directives and inspectors.
Pressure Equipment Directive
This directive from the EU sets standards for the design and manufacture of pressure equipment like pressurized storage containers, heat exchanges, steam generators, boilers, industrial piping, safety devices and all other pressure accessories.

We maintain quality management systems per ISO 9001: 2015.

Training and Certification
Our highly trained inspectors are certified per ASNT SNT-TC-1A recommendations. This is a worldwide organization that establishes guidelines for training certification of NDT personnel.